Comprehensive Divorce Services in Atlanta, GA
Divorce Process in GA Providing Legal Guidance to GA Families for 10+ Years
Going through a divorce can be emotionally devastating, demanding, and can make clients feel anxious. At Connell & Cummings, our experienced lawyers act to make the process less stressful for our clients. We know that you are a unique individual and provide personal legal counsel with you and your needs in mind.

For a caring, compassionate, and skilled divorce attorney in Georgia, call (678) 616-2263.
Grounds for Divorce in Georgia
According to O.C.G.A. § 19-5-3, the state of Georgia has thirteen different grounds for divorce, including no-fault and fault grounds.
Contact our firm for more information regarding these grounds for divorce and to get advice regarding your specific situation.
Georgia Divorce FAQs
Call Connell & Cummings at (678) 616-2263 for a genuine and innovative Atlanta divorce attorney.